
Chamber Advocacy In Action

The IPA team has been working diligently the last month to ensure that the San Diego business community’s voice is heard across our region.

Policy Advisor Evan Strawn has been busy advocating for common sense policies at the City of San Diego that balance environmental and land development priorities with the economic realities of our region. Evan spoke to the City of San Diego Planning Commission on both the City’s proposed Environmental Justice Element and the 2024 Land Development Code Update and was able to secure a motion from the Planning Commission that included some of the Chamber’s most pressing asks for the proposed Element document. Evan also spoke to the City Council regarding Development Services’ proposed fee structure, applauding them for the progress they have made, but urging the department to be a good partner to the development and business community, and implement fairer accountability and transparency measures to ensure for timely permitting processes.


Policy Analyst Jimena Villaseñor spoke at the City of El Cajon in support of proposed updates on the City’s Zoning Code which included hemp-related regulations to implement a prohibition on intoxicating hemp. This effort goes hand in hand with our stance on preventing access to intoxicating cannabinoids outside of regulated channels while facilitating industry participation in the hemp market.


Executive Director of Public Affairs Justine Murray joined CBS 8 for a new segment called “Catching up with the Chamber” where she shares everything the IPA team is working on, and advocating for, to make the San Diego binational region the best place to live and work. Justine spoke about the successes of the Chamber’s most recent delegation trip to Washington, D.C. including the record-breaking attendance of 174 delegates and new commitments on the Tijuana River Valley Crisis. She also reviewed our most recent signature event, the Chamber’s 2024 Congressional Luncheon, where all five Congressmembers were present addressing our region’s most pressing issues such as: immigration, childcare, cost of living, housing, the bipartisan divide, and more. We look forward to continuing this monthly segment and highlighting the Chamber’s many efforts to promote and progress our region.

Finally, VP of International and Public Affairs Kenia Zamarripa joined Baja’s Manufacturing Association (INDEX Zona Costa) for a podcast interview to talk about the CaliBaja region, binational priorities, advocacy, and more. Check it out on YouTube or Spotify (available in Spanish only).
