
Letter to President Biden and President Lopez Obrador

The Chamber signed onto a letter to President Biden and President Lopez Obrador conveying shared security concerns at the southern border and urging immediate action. Led by the Border Trade Alliance, on which the Chamber serves as an executive board member, the letter calls for the adoption of policies that ensure a secure, properly resourced, well-managed, humane, and efficient border.

As the border region becomes a potential source for nearshoring and considering that the U.S. and Mexico are top trade partners, it is critical that both federal governments commit to combined efforts and collaboration to address the increased flux of migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border and avoid any and all disruptions to port of entry operations and efficiency to protect integrated supply chains and bilateral trade.

This request has been a top priority for the Chamber and brought forward to high-level officials including during our recent delegation trip to Washington, D.C. and U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar’s and Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alicia Barcena’s visit to Tijuana and San Diego last year.

