February 24, 2021
Time To Vaccinate is a San Diego employer-focused campaign by the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce. Given the unprecedented, and lasting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are inviting our members and local businesses to commit to getting our private sector back online by supporting robust vaccination efforts of the San Diego workforce. We can only have a full San Diego comeback if we work together to ensure that every San Diegan who wants one, is receiving a vaccine. Employers know that and are joining this campaign to keep their workforce educated, healthy, and thriving.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
What’s Included
Time To Vaccinate is a public awareness campaign, there are no legal agreements made as part of joining the campaign. By signing on to the campaign, your company shows its support for the health and wellness of our workforce by supporting employees getting vaccinated.
When you sign up, we will add your company logo to our campaign and you will receive a vaccination handbook with helpful information about the vaccine process, what to expect when vaccinated, and best practices for vaccine policies.
Become a Supporter
Time To Vaccinate is a voluntary public outreach effort for employers that would like to participate in enhancing pandemic safety and getting San Diego back in business.
The Time To Vaccinate Pledge: Company/organization commits to Time To Vaccinate by supporting our employees through the vaccine process and doing our part to ensure the health, safety, and economic recovery of the entire San Diego region.
Join the growing list of Chamber members who have taken the Time To Vaccinate pledge:
Time To Vaccinate Supporters
Time To Vaccinate supporters have shown their commitment to our region’s effort to get the community vaccinated and are doing their part to ensure employees can get vaccines when it is their turn. We are proud to have support from the following companies and organizations.
Contact us at vaccinate@sdchamber.org.