
The Status Quo Has Changed for Business Financing

03 TritonCapitalIt’s easy to rely on the traditional things we know, on what’s been around for many years. The traditional is comforting and often times good enough. So why change?

Going the non-traditional route can be scary. It’s unkown. It’s the very reason many feared the Internet and its unfounded capabilities not so many years ago. Can the Internet really be that helpful? Can it really be as good as they say? But it’s non-traditional.

Non-traditional financing was born in a time of economic change. As unexpected as its arrival was in the economy, it quickly proved to be a relevant option for businesses big and small. And with good reason: non-traditional financing companies such as Triton Capital take into consideration more than a company’s credit score and cash flow ratios when making financing decisions. They keep the business’s best interest at the forefront of the relationships they build.

“We’re very much looking for companies who want long-term solutions and partnering instead of meeting short-term needs and moving on. We’re in it for the long haul,” says Andrew Paulson, who has been with Triton Capital since its inception in 2008. “Triton takes a customer-centric and business owner-driven approach that allows us to really understand a business and its needs both today and into the future.”

Unlike many traditional forms of financing, Triton wants to learn what type of financing (both traditional and non-traditional) best benefits a business, and align a customized solution. Through learning about each company, the unique situation, and its particular financing needs, Triton is able to offer a suite of different credit products that reflect the specific short- and long-term goals of a business. Benefitting from the financial solutions that Triton Capital offers, 80% of companies return in the future for additional funding.

It’s big. It’s non-traditional. It’s the present and future of business lending.

Andrew Paulson, Director
Triton Capital
1455 Frazee Rd, 5th Floor
