January 13, 2016
On behalf of the Chamber, Vice President Paola Avila – along with Captain Johnathan Spaner, representing the U.S. Coast Guard, and Chief John Bolduc, representing the San Diego Harbor Police – signed The Port of San Diego Maritime Emergency Restoration Plan, which establishes a single, unified plan to be executed across multiple agencies in case of a security incident. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that reopening of the port would be conducted in a safe and seamless manner.
From the Port of San Diego:
In the past, multiple agencies at all levels of government had independent protocols and plans outlining actions for port and waterway reopening after a serious incident. It was necessary to integrate and coordinate the information into a single plan. The planning effort engaged public and private-sector partners to develop an integrated, all-hazard, multi-agency plan for reopening of the port.
A full list of participating agencies may be found here.