
Chamber Support for Dreamer Legislation

The Chamber is committed to making San Diego the most business-friendly region in California and a place where businesses can grow and thrive while creating jobs. We support a comprehensive immigration reform that promotes efficient borders and provides the business community access to workforce critical to its success.

Immigrants comprise nearly one-third of the labor force in San Diego County. The Chamber joined the Regional Economic Association Leaders Coalition urging Congress to pass the Dream Act before the end of the year. Chamber President and CEO, Jerry Sanders participated on a press call on November 21st  in which he stated that Congressional delegates have the moral obligation to pass the act for the good of business and the California economy.

Additionally, as part of the New American Economy’s initiative, iMarch for Immigration, the Chamber published an article in The San Diego Union-Tribune supporting legislation that protects Dreamers and shared information on the economic repercussions of revoking DACA. Also part of iMarch, the Chamber attended a conference focusing on the challenges for Dreamers in Trump’s America, organized by the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies in UCSD. The conference provided results from the 2017 National DACA Survey and shared insight on the critical challenges that the dreamers face as a result of President Trump’s decision to rescind the program.

To push for a solution for Dreamers, the Chamber has launched a grassroots campaign to urge members of Congress to support comprehensive immigration reform and pass legislation that protects Dreamers and helps our economy. You can show your support for Dreamers by joining our call to action.

Please visit for more information and to take part.
