
Mayor Faulconer’s Transit Priority Area Parking Reform Moving Forward

On January 31st, the City of San Diego’s Planning Commission unanimously approved Mayor Faulconer’s plan to reform transit priority area parking. The plan would allow developers to construct new apartment or condo buildings without on-site parking stalls if the project is within a half mile of a major public transit stop. Parking requirements currently can cost developers between $35,000 and $90,000 per space, depending on whether the parking has to go underground. That cost is ultimately passed on to renters and homebuyers, worsening the housing crisis. The Chamber has supported this project since December, because it would lower the cost of building housing and ultimately increase supply at a faster rate, making the San Diego region more affordable for working families. Similar to the Chamber’s rationale, the Planning Commissioners commended the plan for its intent to increase the housing supply, which is key to addressing the region’s affordability crisis while also encouraging non car mobility through biking, walking, and riding public transit. The Chamber’s Land Use and Housing Committee also voted to move the proposal forward to the City Council.

