
Member Spotlight: Plant it Again

Plant It Again is a socially responsible nonprofit here in San Diego who works toward addressing the employment disparities for community members with disabilities. Additionally, Plant It Again aims to inspire others to think outside the box.


With the plans to open a centrally located store for the public to drop off their extra yard cuttings and gently used garden tools, Plant It Again can help ensure all San Diegans get the most out of what we have, all the while conserving our existing resources and doing their part to make this world a better place. Plant It Again will train and employ adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities as staff members, ensuring access to valuable job experience as sales clerks, arrangement designers, tool refurbishers, class instructors, artists and much more.


Their vision is to create as many career opportunities for this underserved community as possible.  Money raised from their retail store of recycled succulents, garden tools, unique gifts, and handmade art will go towards training and employing their team members. 

As they raise money to build our first location, consider donating to their efforts. Visit their website to learn more. 
