
PAGA Reform Update

A long awaited PAGA Reform has been achieved! A deal was announced on June 18th between the “Fix PAGA” Coalition, labor leaders, the Governor’s office, and legislative leadership. The legislation for the deal included AB 2288 and SB 92, which moved through the legislature quickly last month. The Governor officially signed the bills into law on July 1st, solidifying and formalizing the PAGA reform deal. The deal will help reform some of the most burdensome aspects of PAGA for businesses by capping penalties, imposing a one-year time limit on claims, and improving right-to-cure processes.  


The Chamber has been a strong vocal advocate for this reform with our state partners and will continue to monitor the implementation of these reforms and engage with our state partners. If you have any questions specifically regarding PAGA reform, please reach out to the Chamber’s Executive Director of Public Affairs, Justine Murray, at 
