
Retail Theft Update

The Chamber recently joined the Californians for Safer Communities Coalition, in support of Prop 36, “The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act”. The bipartisan measure provides common sense, targeted reforms to Proposition 47 to address some of the most pressing public safety concerns in California. Businesses and residents have noted a trend in San Diego that demonstrates the lack of accountability for perpetrators of retail theft and organized crime, which has negative effects on businesses’ bottom line, as well as the safety of employees and patrons. Addressing retail theft and organized crime is as much about public safety as it is about revenue loss. To have a thriving and prosperous economy, we must be able to hold perpetrators of these crimes accountable to ensure our businesses can thrive, our employees can feel safe at work, and residents and patrons can feel safe when visiting the many businesses that make the San Diego region, and ultimately California, economic forces. 

The Chamber is supportive of meaningful action that addresses retail theft and organized crime. Chamber staff will continue to work with state partners and stakeholders as this proposition makes its way to the November ballot.  
