
February 2020

A new study conducted by Fehr & Peers, a transportation planning and engineering firm with offices in San Diego, found that workers commuting from Riverside County to San Diego County each day significantly impact the environment. The study found that the more than 53,000 people commuting from Riverside to San Diego travel an extra 1.3 billion miles per year and emit an additional 400,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide when compared to what their commute would be if they lived in homes along the I-15 corridor in North San Diego County.

This represents a significant quality of life issue and diminishing competitiveness for the San Diego region’s ability to retain its workforce.


Read the Housing Study»

June 2018

As San Diego grapples with a growing housing crisis, a disconnect exists between where jobs are expected to be and where housing can be built. And, employer satisfaction regarding the housing supply has sunk to a new low. These are the key findings of a study released by the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, which updates the 2016 study authored by London Moeder Advisors.

The study projects specific housing-type shortages in North County, where there is a substantial imbalance of housing and jobs, and includes a survey of employers’ views on how the lack of reasonably priced housing is affecting talent attraction efforts.

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July 2017

An analysis by the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and Greater San Diego Association of REALTORS®  finds the region’s housing crisis is on track to get much worse by 2020, driving even more seniors and families out of the Golden State and hurting our local economy.

The “Housing Scorecard” compares the progress of each of the 18 cities and the County of San Diego in permitting the construction of new homes and provides an accurate depiction of how the housing market is impacting San Diegans.

Read the Housing Scorecard »

July 2016

For several years our region’s leaders have researched, discussed and debated the shortage of available housing for the growing population. A new study released July 15, 2016, by the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and authored by Gary London of The London Group finds that the shortage has become an impending economic crisis as well.

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November 2015

In an effort to drive the conversation about the region’s ongoing housing shortage crisis, the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce has released a study authored by Gary London of The London Group on the implications of not meeting regional housing demand. The study confirms that the San Diego region is failing to develop the number of multifamily and single family homes needed by 2020 to accommodate population growth. Of the required annual growth, only 64 percent of single family homes and 44 percent of multifamily units have been added.

Read the Housing Study »
