
The Tech, Training, and Education Roundtable focuses on policies for innovation and excellence, emphasizing accountability, partnerships for skills, business engagement, and technical training. The Roundtable meets quarterly, please contact Lauren Cazares for more information.

Committee Co-Chairs

Dale Stein, i-NETT and Nancy Rohland Heinrich, National University


Focus Statement:

The Chamber’s Tech, Training, and Education Roundtable supports policies and initiatives that position California at the forefront of the global economy, with a particular emphasis on fostering innovation and excellence in education, workforce training and development, and technological advancements such as AI. Our mission is to lay a strong foundation for economic growth, workforce prosperity, and technological innovation, making San Diego the best place to live, learn, and work.

Policy Platform:

The Chamber’s Tech, Training, and Education Roundtable is committed to supporting local, state, and federal legislation that:

  • Promotes increased accountability for student performance and learning outcomes through the use of efficient systems and metrics, and advocates for quality implementation of policies that support student career readiness.
  • Create partnerships to deliver high school and college graduates with 21st Century skills, including an emphasis on STEAM and San Diego’s priority sectors; Career and Technical Education courses in high schools and college; Support and promote internship and job shadowing programs
  • Business and Civic Engagement: We actively engage business and civic leaders in driving education reform to foster high-wage job creation, business growth, and economic development.
  • Technical Training, Fellowships, and Apprenticeships: We strive to improve student access to and completion of post-secondary education and training, including degrees, certificates, credentials, and when necessary, reskilling, that align with the demands of the emerging job market including but not limited to technology, AI, and green jobs.
  • Technological Advancements: Embracing new technologies, including but not limited to biotechnology and artificial intelligence, has the potential to substantially grow San Diego’s economy and provide thousands of new jobs to San Diegans and new grads. We believe that local innovation paves the way to a brighter future for our region and support companies, organizations, and lawmakers leading the way. We do this by staying up to date with our members on new advancements, learning from experts, and supporting legislation that will draw inventive businesses to operate and stay in our region.

