
IBA Forum Discusses Mexico’s Presidential Elections

On June 2, 2024, Mexico will go to the polls to elect a new president, plus 139 other positions at all levels of government. These elections will be the largest and most important in Mexico’s history.

Given the close economic, political, and social ties between the U.S. and Mexico, shifts in Mexican leadership can have significant effects on the Mexico – U.S. bilateral relationship, and on the citizens on both sides of the border. The outcomes of Mexico’s elections will also have an impact on our own elections coming up in November as the border remains top of mind for both politicians and voters.

Earlier today, the Chamber hosted an IBA Forum on Mexico’s upcoming elections, with a panel of experts sharing their insights on the candidates, their policies, the socio-economic factors influencing the electoral landscape, and how elections may impact the bilateral relationship.  Did you miss it? Need another look? Click here for the recording!
