Marcelo Ebrard
Minister of Foreign Affairs (SRE)
@m_ebrard Ebrard was announced Secretary of Foreign Affairs after the presidential elections. He was previously served as president of the United Nations Global Network on Safer Cities. Originally Marcelo’s family comes from France. He received a bachelor’s degree from El Colegio de México in international relations and specialized in public administration at the Ecole national administration of France. Ebrard joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in 1978. He then participated in the presidential campaigns from 1976-1982 as an advisor to the secretary of general. After being elected as a Chamber of deputies, he left PRI in 1995. In 2004 he became a member of the Party Democratic Revolution. Ebrard then decided to run from PRD’s candidate for Head of Government in the Federal District election. He successfully won with 47% of votes. Along with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, he initiated the program called Prepa sí. This program enabled low-income students to continue their education. His efforts reduced school dropout rate by 6% and raised student’s grade point average. According to the general public, one of his greatest impacts was the exportation of property and building that was being used as an operational center of crime. His efforts help reduce the crime index by 11% in México City. Ebrad has taken action to helpMexican citizens have a better quality of life. He built hospitals in Tláhuac, Iztapalapa, and Tlalpan and promoted the development of medical specialties that were initially not available in México’s City Public health. Ebrad has been award several awards, such as the World Mayor Award.