

The State of California’s Labor and Workforce Development Agency and Employment Development Department provide information on support services for workers and unemployment insurance benefits.

United Way of San Diego San Diego Worker Assistance Initiative – Individuals or families who experience job loss or pay reductions since March 1 can receive help to pay gas, electric, water, trash, phone and Internet bills, as well as rent or mortgage payments. Visit their website to apply.

San Diego Workforce Partnership COVID-19 Updates for Workers Resources for workers including unemployment information, leave and disability benefits, child care resources and more. Click here to see more.

The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank – The Food Bank is continuing normal operations to support San Diegans in need. If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance, click here for a list of available distributions throughout San Diego County.

SDG&E  – Bill assistance programs offer a discount on your monthly bills. Learn more here

Helpful financial articles, provided by Citadel Penn, financial advisor with Edward Jones, can be found here.
