
The Chamber’s Speakers Bureau is a collection of highly-talented members that volunteer their professional expertise and time to relay industry-specific skills and knowledge to their peers. Chamber Speakers provide 30-minute presentations to the Chamber’s Business Alliance Groups upon request and provide both practical and useful information to an audience representing a broad range of industries. Speaker topics include, but are not limited to: sales techniques, time management, branding strategies, technology skills, and more.

Become a Speaker

Members are eligible to participate in the Speakers Bureau program after completing 12 months of membership. To apply, complete the application form below (bottom of the page).

Applications will be evaluated on the member’s ability to communicate topics which generate interest, whether the presentation’s objectives will be clearly articulated and achievable during the time allotted, and the member’s professional expertise and experience. Upon review, a staff representative will contact you within 8-12 business days for more information.

Current Speakers

First Name Dike
Last Name Anyiwo
Company San Diego FC
Email Address
Phone Number (951)816-0028
Current SDRCC Member? YES
Topic Inside the Business of Sport
What participants will learn from your presentation Participants will learn how San Diego FC is launching its inaugural season and how Chamber members can engage with the new team.
Presentation #2 Title Connecting to Community
Topic #2 Connecting to Community
What participants will learn from your presentation #2 We could also offer a deeper dive into the community side of the club’s operation and share opportunities for local businesses to engage with the club.


Presentation Title
Cyber scams, Security Breaches, Lost Data Oh, My!: Building a secure IT environment.

Cyber security best practices for small and midsize businesses

What participants will learn from your presentation:
“There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that will be… they are converging into one category: companies that have been hacked and will be hacked again.” – Mueller, 2012
No one is immune! Data breaches have become commonplace in today’s world. While major breaches such as those experienced by Capital One, Facebook, Dow Jones, Sony Pictures and Equifax get the press coverage, thousands go unnoted by the public. In fact, it is likely that more than a third of those reading this description have experienced or will experience a breach within a year. There is no doubt, breaches happen!
Less clear to us is “why” and “how” breaches happen. In this session we will help explain “why” and “how” breaches transpire so you can take action to prevent them and reduce risk to your critical information assets.
• “Why” will identify the most common threats and vulnerabilities that lead to a data breach.
• “How” will use real-world examples to illustrate the ways threats gain access to your information assets. This session will also tell you “how” you can reduce risk to your information assets and stop data breaches.

Jeff Loeb

Presentation Title
Marijuana in the Workplace in California

The legalization of Marijuana and what employers need to know to remain compliant.

What participants will learn from your presentation:
(1) Participants will learn about the recent changes in both state and federal law as it relates to the use of marijuana, both for medical and recreational purposes; (2) The manner in which an employer can choose to revoke a job offer based on a positive drug test; (3) Strategies for responding when employees appear to be impaired or otherwise under the influence; (4) What can be expected in the coming years regarding this ever-changing area of the law, both in the legislature and the courts, so that employers can do their best to stay ahead of the curve.

Ryan Nell, Esq.
Pettit Kohn Ingrassia Lutz & Dolin
(858) 509-5690

Presentation Title
Happy People Don’t Sue: Best Practices to Avoid Employee Litigation

Best practices to avoid employee litigation and strategies to implement.

What participants will learn from your presentation:
(1) We will discuss the real reasons why employment lawsuits happen; (2) Provide suggestions on how employers can seek to avoid issues before they arise; (3) Discuss a few best (and worst) practices from actual California cases; (4) We will also provide strategies that can help maintain respectful, litigation-free workplaces.

Ryan Nell, Esq.
Pettit Kohn Ingrassia Lutz & Dolin
(858) 509-5690

Presentation Title
Working 100% By Referral

How to run a 100% working by referral business

What participants will learn from your presentation: The Three Leg Stool: Effectively Working like a CEO, COO and CFO.

Customer Service is an attitude not a department. How to care for customers before, during and after the sale.

The Power of Business Alliance Groups:

A Networking Playbook

Presentation #2 Title

Topic #2

Time Management vs. Energy Management

What participants will learn from your presentation:  How to combat the weapons of mass distraction and bring focus back to your business to streamline your performance and out work the competition.

Bonus: Crushing It! (for 30-60 minute keynotes only)

Power Point Presentation

Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor
Big Block Realty



A Strategic Framework for the Decision to Outsource to Low Cost Countries

What participants will learn from your presentation:

One can hardly pick up a newspaper or business publication today without seeing an article about outsourcing to China, Vietnam, India or other developing countries. It is no wonder that managers are eager to understand how to approach the complex issues of whether to outsource, where to outsource, and how to outsource to achieve the maximum benefits for their companies.

Topic #2

Managing Supply Chain Risk: The Board’s Perspective

What participants will learn from this presentation:

In this highly interactive workshop, participants will be invited to play the role of one of several functions in the firm (Supply Chain, Marketing, Finance, etc.) and to react to potential supply chain, and firm level, disruptions.   The goal is to better understand risk management from the perspective of the Board and C-suite.

David Pyke
School of Business, University of San Diego

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Current SDRCC Member? (required) *