
Governor Newsom Hints at Green Tier

The state’s tier-based system that dictates the level of restrictions for businesses and schools may be getting an addition soon: a green-tier that is essentially an “all systems go” standard where the virus is in total retreat. As of now, the tiers that a county could possibly land in are purple (most restrictive), red (less), orange (moderately resrictive), and yellow (the least possible in current scenario). But last week Governor Newsom said that we will see counties being able to enter the green tier “sooner than most people believe.” Though he has not provided a specific time table, or even specifics around what the green tier would allow, the state is making real progress in reopening. After vaccinating 2 million people who live in priority zip codes to meet equity standards, the state has lowered the thresholds to move into less restrictive tiers. As of writing, San Diego is in the red tier.
