
Ribbon Cutting – Anatomy Chiropractic

Anatomy Chiropractic opened doors at the HUB in Hillcrest with a Grand Opening performed by the San Diego Chamber of Commerce on August 20, 2022.

The Board-Certified Upper Cervical doctors have brought the first Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Clinic to San Diego! This specialty focuses on aligning the upper neck first then the rest of the spine. This is all accomplished without any popping, cracking, or twisting of the body. They use the latest in Chiropractic technology for the adjustments and verify the alignments with before and after x-rays. Patients suffering from headaches, migraines, vertigo (dizziness), neck and back pain should look no further! Call to set up a consultation to see if this type of specialized care can help you or a loved one. Click here for more info.
