
Member Spotlight: Wizehire


For small business owners and executives who want to hire the best talent, WizeHire is a month-to-month online recruiting service that streamlines the hiring process and provides the best candidates for the job. Wizehire’s hiring platform helps you save time and money by providing your business with proven job templates written for your industry, one-click posting to 100+ job boards, expert advice from hiring coaches , and DISC+ personality assessments.

San Diego County is facing a talent crisis and many local business owners are asking the same question: “Where are all the workers?”  WizeHire can help you find that talent faster. 

Wizehire’s hiring platform helps you save time and money by providing your business with:

  • Proven job templates written for your industry
  • One-click posting to 100+ job boards
  • Expert advice from hiring coaches 
  • DISC+ personality assessments

Learn why over 15,000 employers choose WizeHire as the trusted advisor to help grow their business. Here’s a special discount exclusively for San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce members

Arezo Raza is a Senior Account Executive with WizeHire and a San Diego native. She helps small business owners hire the right candidate every time.

Book your consultation today.

You may also connect with Arezo via (619) 292-0333 or
