
A reliable and affordable supply of water is extremely important to every major regional economy. Industries such as manufacturing, hospitality, and tourism among others need water to operate. In the San Diego region, we cannot allow our desert-like climate at the end of the pipeline result in businesses and jobs leaving. With an all of the above strategy including conservation, storage, water recycling and desalination, the Chamber is dedicated to ensuring that water is available and cost-competitive.

In 1991, San Diego experienced major drought conditions, and as a result, water rates spiked. Subsequently, the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) made huge strides to diversify the water supply of San Diego, minimizing risk and increasing reliability.

Chamber’s Position

The Chamber’s number one policy priority for 2015 is water supply, reliability, and cost. With the continuing drought, the Chamber realizes the importance of water to our businesses and region. Chamber staff was appointed by Mayor Faulconer to the City of San Diego’s Pure Water Advisory Group to address the need for a new locally-controlled water supply.

The Chamber is also actively involved in federal efforts to address the waiver from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that will allow the City of San Diego to move forward with the Pure Water program while maintaining a high standard for water output at the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant. In 2014, the Chamber provided feedback on the funding mechanisms for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, has a member on the state of California’s Direct Potable Reuse Board, and two Chamber staff members are graduates of CWA’s Citizens Water Academy.

Pure Water Program

The City of San Diego’s Pure Water San Diego Program works to provide a safe, reliable, and drought-proof local drinking water supply.

Chamber staff is on the Pure Water Working Group.

How to get involved

Please contact Sophie Barnhorst, Policy Coordinator, at, if you would like to get involved in the Chamber’s Energy & Water Committee.

Apply to the San Diego County Water Authority’s Citizens Water Academy to learn about the history of water in the San Diego region and how to take action.

Supporting Information

News Coverage
