
President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum Announces Cabinet Members

President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum has announced members of her Cabinet, with some familiar faces transitioning to the new administration. Let’s get to know them: 

  • Rogelio Ramírez de la O stepped in as Secretary of Treasury and Public Credit in 2021 and will continue his role under the new administration.  
  • Marcelo Ebrard, who previously served as Secretary of Foreign Affairs before stepping down to run for presidential candidate within the MORENA party, will now serve as the Secretary of Economy. 
  • Juan Ramon de la Fuente, previously appointed by President Obrador to represent Mexico at the United Nations, will now serve as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. 
  • Luz Elena González, who had previously served as the Secretary of Finances for Mexico City under Sheinbaum’s administration, will now serve as the Secretary of Energy. 
  • Jesús Antonio Esteva Medina, formerly Head of the Secretariat of Public Works and Services for Mexico City, will now serve as the Secretary of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation. 
  • Mario Delgado, currently serving as National President of the MORENA Party, will serve as the Secretary of Public Education. 
  • Omar García Harfuch, who served as Secretary of Public Safety for Mexico City under Sheinbaum’s administration, will now serve under the Secretariat of Public Safety at the federal level. 
  • Alicia Bárcena stepped in as Secretary of Foreign Affairs to replace Marcelo Ebrard and will now be transitioning to the new administration as the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources.  
  • Raquel Buenrostro, who formerly served as Head of the Tax Administration Service (SAT) and Fiscal Policy Director in Mexico City both under Lopez Obrador’s leadership, will now serve as the Secretary of Public Administration. 
  • Julio Berdegué, former assessor of various Latin American countries will serve as the Secretary of Agriculture.  
  • Rosaura Ruiz, former representative of the Secretariat of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation for Mexico City will now serve as the Secretary of Science, Technology, and Innovation (formerly CONAHCYT). 
  • Ernestina Godoy previously served as the Attorney General for Mexico City and will transition to serve as Legal Advisor for the Presidency.  
  • David Kershenobich previously served as Director for the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition and will now serve as the Secretary of Health. 
  • Edna Elena Vega, formerly Undersecretary for the Secretariat for Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development, and Ariadna Montiel Reyes who served as Undersecretary of Secretariat of Social Welfare, will transition to now lead of said Secretariats.  
  • Rosa Icela Rodríguez has a degree in journalism and over two decades of experience in public service on the national and federal level and will serve as the Secretary of the Interior Ministry. 
  • Lázaro Cárdenas Batel was coordinator of advisors for the president and will now serve as Chief of Staff to the president.  

President-elect Sheinbaum is still expected to announce who will lead the Secretariats of Tourism, Labor, and Culture and has stated that she will not announce who will lead National Defense and Navy until September. The new administration takes office on October 1st, a few weeks before the Chamber’s annual Binational Delegation to Mexico City. Don’t miss an opportunity to foster and strengthen business and political ties with the new administration – early bird registration ends August 1st 

