
The San Diego Regional Jobs Strategy is an unprecedented coalition led by the San Diego Regional Chamber Foundation, in partnership with the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, and San Diego Association of Governments, and nearly 70 of the region’s business organizations. The coalition is focused on driving economic growth and job creation for the entire Cali-Baja region.

Most job creation efforts tend to be designed around municipal or other political borders. Yet, regional economies are defined by monetary transactions, commute patterns and relationships. So, this effort takes a broad and inclusive view of job creation to create the most benefit for the region as a whole.

Jobs Strategy Final Products


Regional Jobs Strategy Press Conference

Our data-driven initiative began in early 2016 and over the next nine months worked to identify opportunities for collaboration and best practices for job creation. In February 2017, the partners issued a Regional Jobs Strategy Final Report. This Final Report truly represents a unified vision for job creation and includes a clear and direct strategy for leveraging the region’s resources and aligning initiatives.

Leading up to the final report, the coalition marked several milestones with the release of critical information that helped to shape the final report. Following the final report several additional studies have been released including an update to the suite of dashboards:






The group of participating organizations in the Regional Jobs Strategy initiative is growing and currently includes:


