
News & Updates

September 11th, 2017 | International

Tecate Art Installation

Last week French artist JR unveiled an art installation at the Tecate border. Since 2001, JR has been pasting his black and white images all over the world. He launched […]

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September 11th, 2017 | International

OneBorder Meeting

Driven by the lack of understanding of the border region in both Washington, D.C. and Mexico City, the Chamber worked with other like-minded organizations to co-found #OneBorder, a network of […]

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September 11th, 2017 | International

President Trump Revokes DACA

Last week, President Trump announced a phasing out of the DACA program by March of 2018. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, created under the Obama administration, supported hundreds of […]

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