
News & Updates

February 5th, 2020 | Uncategorized

LEADer Board February 2020

  Naila Chowdhury (Influence 17) recently joined the Board of the San Diego International Film Festival. Rita De la Fuente (Impact 12) is now the Director of Government & Community […]

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February 5th, 2020 | LEAD

SDYL First Meeting of 2020

  San Diego Young Leaders will have its first General Meeting on Wednesday, February 19, at Seasons 52 in Seaport Village. Following a welcome from Chair Melanie Woods and Chamber […]

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January 15th, 2020 | News | Policy | San Diego

Call for AB 5 Feedback

Legislation that passed last year reflecting a court decision around independent contractors will continue to be addressed via “clean up” legislation in 2020. The bill, AB 5 by Assemblymember Lorena […]

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