
Category: San Diego

January 15, 2020  |  News

Call for AB 5 Feedback

Legislation that passed last year reflecting a court decision around independent contractors will continue to be addressed via “clean up” legislation in 2020. The bill, AB 5 by Assemblymember Lorena […]

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January 15, 2020  |  News

Chamber Supported Airport Development Plan Passes with Strong Support

San Diego International Airport will be commencing redevelopment of Terminal 1, thanks to the Airport Development Plan receiving board approval earlier this month. Supported by the Chamber in 2019, the […]

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January 15, 2020  |  News

2020 Delegation Trip to Sacramento Coming Up

The Chamber team is excited to be planning the annual Leadership Delegation to Sacramento for February 25 & 26. Already, the agenda is coming together and is sure to be […]

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January 15, 2020  |  International

Registration now open for 2020 Binational Delegation to Mexico City

As we continue our region’s work to promote trade, reduce congestion at our ports of entry, and reduce transboundary pollution, we invite you to join our delegation trip to Mexico City […]

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January 15, 2020  |  News

Microsoft Will Be Carbon Negative by 2030

  Chamber member Microsoft has recently released an exciting new plan to reduce their carbon footprint, help customers reduce theirs, accelerate innovation, and advocate for policy action. Click here to […]

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